Most safety cloud service out there!

Privacy is not an option with Cloud Sync, it's standard. That's because we believe that everyone should be able to store data and communicate securely and privately online.


Our aim is to make it quick and easy for you to access your priceless memories. Your files sync between your devices so you can access them on the go.

Files in one click

Organize your files however you like. Our simple drag-and-drop interface gives you complete control over how you manage your files, whether photos, videos, music, or documents.

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Intelligent search

Our powerful search feature will help you find saved files in no time at all. No need to trawl through all of your files.

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Share your memories

Easily share your files and collections with others. Create a shareable link that you can send at the click of a button.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of our FAQs. If you have any other questions you’d like answered please feel free to email us.

What is Cloud service?

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How many space CloudSync offers for free?

Vivamus luctus eros aliquet convallis ultricies. Mauris augue massa, ultricies non ligula. Suspendisse imperdiet. Vivamus luctus eros aliquet convallis ultricies. Mauris augue massa, ultricies non ligula. Suspendisse imperdie tVivamus luctus eros aliquet convallis ultricies. Mauris augue massa, ultricies non ligula. Suspendisse imperdiet.

What is the point of difference between CloudSync and other simmilarly services?

Sed consectetur quam id neque fermentum accumsan. Praesent luctus vestibulum dolor, ut condimentum urna vulputate eget. Cras in ligula quis est pharetra mattis sit amet pharetra purus. Sed sollicitudin ex et ultricies bibendum.

Is there a mobile app?

Integer condimentum ipsum id imperdiet finibus. Vivamus in placerat mi, at euismod dui. Aliquam vitae neque eget nisl gravida pellentesque non ut velit.

What about other Chromium browsers?

Integer condimentum ipsum id imperdiet finibus. Vivamus in placerat mi, at euismod dui. Aliquam vitae neque eget nisl gravida pellentesque non ut velit.

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